Monday 7 October 2013

iPhone-Controlled Paper Airplane: The Coolest Toy Ever?

iPhone-Controlled Paper Airplane: The Coolest Toy Ever?

Is nothing sacred? I had thought that paper airplanes might be the last holdout for fully-analog toys. After all, all you need is a sheet of paper, a pair of functioning hands and a place to throw stuff. Even in jail these things can be found, and while your first attempts might not fly so well, the joy of the game is in the tuning and improving of your designs.

But now even that simple pleasure has been ruined by technology: the PowerUp 3.0 iPhone-Controlled Paper Airplane is a thing which will soon be available.

It’s kind of like cheating, but looks awesome just the same. The PowerUp consists of a carbon fiber shaft, a propellor and a Bluetooth radio. You clip this to your paper airplane and let it fly, controlling the thing from your iPhone using a companion app. The app shows neat info like altitude and attitude, and there plane will fly for ten minutes on a charge – or until it flies out of Bluetooth range.

I want one, and I am willing to spend the $50 to get one when it comes out of beta later this month (and by “this” month, I mean October).

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